People are busy. Older children often participate in sports, theater, clubs and other activities, making scheduling an initial orthodontic visit challenging. Adults usually prioritize their time to focus on work, child care, children’s after school activities, volunteer work or other obligations and will postpone, often indefinitely, an orthodontist appointment to address long-standing issues or shifting teeth.
DeDomenico Orthodontics is proud to offer a solution for people and families with orthodontic needs but little to time to attend an initial appointment: a virtual consultation. This process is free and so easy to do. The steps are:
Go to our website and click on the “Virtual Initial Consultation” button at the top of the home page
- A side menu will appear with a “Get Started” button. Click on that button.
- Enter your mobile phone number in the box that appears and hit “send.”
- The link to use our virtual consultation app will be sent to your mobile phone.
- Open the app, snap a few selfies that really show off your smile, and send them to us through the app.
- Wait for our call.
Once you have completed this process, Dr. DeDomenico will review your photos and make recommendations for treatment. A staff member will contact you to review his findings and recommendations, and answer any questions you may have. It’s really that simple.
This option is available for those 16 and older and you can take the photos at the time and place that best fits your schedule. There is no cost and no obligation, so now is the perfect time to learn about your orthodontic treatment options.
At DeDomenico Orthodontics we understand that your time is a precious commodity and we will do our best to make your orthodontic care a simple and convenient as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions about our virtual consultation process or send us a picture through the virtual consultation app to start your journey towards a beautiful smile.